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My Major: Welcome

Fitness Management and Personal Training Major


I have always been drawn to bettering myself physically. Through my years of playing sports competitively I always held myself to a higher standard. I always wanted to be be more, do more, and achieve more. I have always wanted to be a coach and so I thought there was no better way to combine my passions and become a head basketball coach.

Personal Training Certificate


I enjoy working with people and watching them achieve their goals. I like the challenge of creating a program geared towards an individuals needs. Not every person will have the same goals, same body type, or even same mindset so it will be my job to create a program that allows them to thrive.

My Major: Features

Health Education Minor


Nutrition Minor


I am passionate about everything fitness and health related. I am always trying to be the best version of myself mentally and physically. I hope to help others on their fitness journey and guide them in the direction of change. I believe everyone deserves a chance to be healthy and find a comfortable space to be active in.

I have always struggled with my eating habits. This struggle is not new it me it is actually something I am very familiar with. By attaining my nutrition minor I will be able to hopefully help others with their eating habits. I want to make sure my athletes are taking care of themselves because at the end of the day personal progress will always will be a win in my book.

My Major: Features

School Experiences

My Major: Text

Theory and Practice of Cardiovascular Exercise

Through this class I was able to focus on the principles and process of designing, organizing, and teaching a variety of aerobic exercise types. This course consisted of both labs and lectures, and provides me with information about cardiovascular physiology, VO2max, lactate threshold, endurance training principles, nutrition for performance, cardiac rehab, running biomechanics, and programming for athletes and the general public. Above is me after PRing my 5k after following a personal plan I created during class.


Fitness Management

Through this class I was able to take an in-depth and hands-on approach to understanding the management and operation of programs and facilities in the health fitness field. Business management, staff development, member retention, program implementation, facility operations and equipment purchases were the focus of discussions, field observations and weekly projects. Through the 16 week course I was able to create a business from the ground up and understand what goes on behind the scenes to be successful.  Above is my 3D model replica of my business idea Wellness on Wheels.



INShape is a 9 week program where I was partnered with a member of the community to personal train. The time spent with my client allowed me to gain knowledge pertaining to exercise and how creative exercise can be! There is not a one size fits all when it comes to physical activity. Through our time together I helped my client achieve some physical goals as well as personal goals. We pushed through injuries and hit some PR's which stand out as some of our fondest memories. Fitness is a great avenue to enact change!


6 Words:





Critical Thinking 



INShape was a great way enhance my coaching abilities. I love coaching and working with my client pushed me to be adaptable and flexible. I really had to think outside the box to find ways to workout despite injuries. INShape was a very fun experience and I was happy to be apart of it!


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Wellness Coaching

During my time practicing skills of wellness coaching I learned a different style of coaching - one that I have never used before. Growing up I played basketball mainly and I always had hard nose get the job done type of coaches. That is the style of coaching I enjoy. However, during my 6 week span of working with my client I learned that coaching can be an avenue that allows you to aid others in goal setting and helping them achieve those goals.

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Adaptive Movement Clinic

One of my favorite experiences during undergrad was a class I took that focused on programming physical activity for those with disabilities. Growing up I was a unified partner in the Special Olympics playing basketball with some of my best friends. I really enjoyed wording with my client and adapting physical activity for them. Everyone should have access to high quality physical activity and I was glad I was able to provide that for my client.


Camp Brosius

The primary goal of this course was to develop effective, competent, and responsible leaders who are able to successfully influence others while accomplishing a goal. This course was unique because it encompasses variables such as personal identity, leadership, group dynamics, strengths and talents, and cultural awareness. Working with these variables, it was the intent of this course to teach teamwork, creative problem solving, and leadership behavior. After completing camp I am able to recognize and demonstrate effective leadership, teamwork, and personal skills.


SHAPE America Major of the Year Award Recipient

I was honored to be nominated for and receive the Major of the Year award through SHAPE America. The SHAPE America Major of the Year award celebrates outstanding undergraduate students in the fields of health, physical education, recreation and dance. I had to have a 3.0 or better GPA on a 4.0 scale and provide 3-5 service contributions to IUPUI or my community for a minimum of two years during my undergraduate career. I was fortunate enough to network with those in the health industry and hear from a Former Women's Division I basketball player, outstanding coach, and American Ninja Warrior competitor - Sandy Zimmerman.

My Major: Services
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